Feature to build copilot
Sahil Khanna
Option to take database or api etc as data source, and also to agent features to do automation based on user query , something like opencopilot.so
Richard Li
please add database connection and support qa over database
We have released agent mode in v0.5.0
Sahil Khanna
crazywoola: looks great , I would suggest option to add API manually also since most of people have api im postman nowadays for documentation
Sahil Khanna Can you give me an example? I am not sure what do you mean by adding API manually
Sahil Khanna
crazywoola in custom tool module - where you have option to add/paste swagger json file , there you can provide an option to add API url manually with its method , get or post or put etc along with option to add header and body data field and possible response also so instead of me converting my all API to swagger , I would directly add them
Sahil KhannaDo you mean import from the url button on the top right side sheet?
Sahil Khanna
crazywoola nope I mean alternate way to add API without swagger , through UI similar to opencopilot did also option to make flow from those api so it would save time in writing prompts also
Sahil Khanna
Hi have you given By thought on this , since we don't find swagger file for many saas api , it would be better if we can plan to add API manually also option to make flow for multiple api
in progress